A cyclonic man, a social spiritualist, simple robed and a visionary, these profound superlatives apply-aptly to a man who was born in princely state in Gujrawala as grandson of the Diwan of that primitive part of Bharat. His educational and professional experience is worth while. He completed his B.Sc., Diploma in ITI and Post Graduation degree in Ayurved- acharya from Jhansi Ayurvedic University. If I m metaphorically, present the metamorphosis of this stude Jhansi Ayurvedic Univers alumnus, apprentice and doctor for a brief while, eventually, to renounce a professional career and Lucrative true and announced himself a social activist, he joined hand in the expansion of education for the upliftment of society. He sowed the seed of a primary school in 1980, with a vision of a vatvraksha, which would be a synthesis of, the temporal and spiritual values. At the age of 68, he got prestigious award "Glory of India" which once Sri Jogendra Singh, CBI Director (now retd.) and Dr. Bhishma Narayan Singh, Former Governor of Tamilnadu got.

Chairman Dr. Mehta receiving "Glory of India" award from Ms. Sheela Dixit, Chief Minister of Delthi. He sits in his office with the morning bells and remains there till dusk. He is a source of energy and motivation not only for the staff but for the students also. Following few lines of Shakespeare suits to his personality.

What a piece of work is man, how noble
in reason! How infinite in faculty,
In form in moving, how express and admirable! In action how like an angel
In apprehension how like a God.

Dr. S.M. Mehta

(Gold Medalist)